Tonight's La Minute Tracks on ARTE will be featuring the mental sound of Spiral Tribe on it's show. Don't worry if you miss.. I will too. They will be rebroadcasting it.. even on the 23rd. That is when I will be watching :D
Saturday 17 November 2012 @ 23:10
Tuesday 20 November 2012 @ 05:00
Friday 23 November 2012 @ 01:35
"Paint it Black" avec les Mad Max des free-parties, la comète Spiral Tribe - Un reportage de Gabrielle Culand
(with preview video)
Sans eux, le mouvement des free-parties serait resté confiné aux campagnes anglaises. Au début des années 90, dans le sillage de la comète Spiral Tribe, toute l'Europe a plongé dans la musique électronique avec pour mot d'ordre "free party, free music, for free people". - continue here
You should be able to watch it here (when it broadcasts)
EDIT: the video was uploaded by ARTE.TV to YouTube, so I can embed it :D